Memojis are uturful when (online)...

Only 3 steps:

Design - Memojis Editor

people nature food activity travel objects symbols flags people
emoji1 emoji2 emoji3 emoji4 emoji5 emoji6
emoji7 emoji8 emoji9 emoji10 emoji11 emoji12
circleBtn squareBtn triangleBtn


Font Family: Create
Talk 1 Talk 2 Think
Border Color:
Background Color:

How To

Whatch the video Tutorial:

.. or you can follow these simple steps:
  • Select the Emoji from the list (In the top select the categories. With Up and Down arrows search for the desired emoji) and Click it(or tap in your phone or tablet).
  • The items always appears at the top left corner. Move the emoji where you want.
  • Change the background color: Click (or tap) the "Background" tab. Choose the color clicking in the selector (or write the RGB in Hexa).
  • Add shapes: In "Shapes" tab first, select the color, then click on the shape.
  • Add bubbles: In "Bubbles" tab first, select the color, then select one Bubble
  • Add text: In "Text" tab write the text, then select the color and finally click the "Create" button.
  • Toolbar buttons description (except the download button, the others only apply to the selected object):
    • EnlargeEnlarge (mantaining the aspect ratio).
    • ShrinkShrink (mantaining the aspect ratio).
    • Enlarge verticallyEnlarge vertically.
    • Shrink verticallyShrink vertically.
    • Enlarge horizontallyEnlarge horizontally.
    • Shrink horizontallyShrink horizontally.
    • Rotate in Clockwise senseRotate in Clockwise sense.
    • Rotate in Anti-Clockwise senseRotate in Anti-Clockwise sense.
    • Delete objectDelete object.
    • Flip horizontallyFlip horizontally.
    • Flip verticallyFlip vertically.
    • Bring item to frontBring item to front.
    • Download and Share!The Memojis is ready. Download and Share it!


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